Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hi, I'm Hunter Shumard, and I'm nervous as Bill Clinton in a confessional... and ooo... lobster! :P

Just a made a video clip from the military's "Holiday Shout Out" program. You know the video clips service members do in the holidays when they're overseas and have them sent to be played at their local TV station back home. Apparently, it's just as hard as it ever was for me to be comfortable on camera. We had to do a couple takes, and I'm pretty sure a campaign video of Al Gore speaking to the camera could easily defeat this little clip of me saying happy holidays to family and friends, while trying to stand the strong lights in front of me that were set to "vaporize". I'm thinking of hunting down a camera of my own and doing a clip of my own for some folks back home. In the meanwhile, just look for me and the rest of the 875th on KAIT during commercials.

To add to the interesting day, IT'S "SURF N' TURF" NIGHT!! WOO HOO!!!


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