Wednesday, November 01, 2006

(Link to Stars and Stripes article about this blog entry here)
Wouldn't you know it, a story about the military having a team of soldiers who go around searching through blogs for possible OPSEC violations comes out a day after I had started blogging. I figured it was going on to some degree. They've went through about 500 blogs so far, but I'm sure there's a whole lot more to go. The question that's been on my mind for a while is: What exactly counts as an OPSEC violation? I know saying things like "Hey, we're about to go on a mission in...." counts, but what about something that happened months ago? What if it's something that has became irrelevant? Is there any point in not mentioning when and if we leave when you can read it in the latest edition of "Stars and Stipes? There are many, many variations of that example, but the point is this: can't there be a consistant (and lets face it, feasable) set of regulations that could be based on OPSEC? Sorry to get on the rant, but it's frustrating to only be able to say "Fine, and how was your day?"


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